Nakornthai Bike

Contact Number : +662 3771701 , +662 3781900 , +6681 9145156

Line@ : @nakornthaibike  E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

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Nakornthai Bike Shop

Mountain Bikes, Road Bikes, Touring Bikes, City Bikes/Cruiser, Folding Bikes, BMX/Kids.

Meilan M4 Bluetooth Wireless Bike computer

ราคา:1,800 Baht
Old Price <2,200 Baht
Hits: 2868

M4 Bluetooth Wireless Bike computer

ราคาตั้ง 2,200THB ราคาพิเศษ 1,800THB


- 2.5 inch big display area screen; white backlight, good display effect.

- Rechargeable 860Mah battery, can use 120 hours (without back light).

- Use BLE 4.0 ANT+ dual models technology, connect with wireless speed / cadence sensor.

- Support external Heart Rate sensor, power meter.

- Can show 15 pce main cycling data.

- History record view.


- Inbox :  

- Line : @nakornthaibike 

- โทร : 02-377-1701,02-378-1900

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Tel:  +662 377 1701, +662 378 1900 , +668 1 9145156
Line@ : @nakornthaibike
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.